Amzpecty - Browser Extension

Welcome To Our Affiliate Program!

It's so easy to sign-up for an Affiliate account and it's FREE to join. There is no need for technical or computer programming knowledge. As long as you like to surf the internet and love to share our great product, that's all we need.

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If you forgot your login credentials, kindly contact us here.

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NOTE: Please use a different email address than your Amzpecty Premium.

By clicking this Register button, you are agreeing to the Terms of Service (TOS) and Privacy Policy.

How does it work?

Our Affiliate program software will provide you with an affiliate link or URL which you can use on your website, emails or social media account. Whenever someone finds your link, clicks on it and sign-up with any of our Amzpecty plans, you will EARN A COMMISSION. Simple right?

How much can you earn?

You will earn a recurring 10% of the monthly subscription fee on STARTER, PRO BASIC, PRO ADVANCED, ENTERPRISE BASIC, ENTERPRISE ADVANCED, and API.

You will also earn 10% for every mobile app credit top-up. Contact us here for more details.


You cannot earn affiliate commissions on your own Amzpecty Subscription/s.
Amzpecty only sends payouts if your earnings is more than or equal to $20.00 every 15th-25th of the month.
Trial accounts that cancelled before the billing commences will not be eligible for commission.

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